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Innovation Award to Cavaliere Fabio Perini: "In the future, we will do even better”
The official ceremony for the presentation of the Innovation Award 2024 to Cavaliere Fabio Perini took place at the end of 2024 in Lucca. The award was presented by the President of the Province of Lucca, Marcello Pierucci, and the Mayor of the city of Lucca, Mario Pardini. Both emphasized that this, the first edition of the award, could only honour the ingenuity and avant-garde vision of an entrepreneur who revolutionized tissue paper technology, creating the conditions for Lucca to become a world capital of the Tissue Industry. Thanks to him, the area is now home to world-leading multinational companies in the sector.
During the ceremony, the local authorities screened a film about Fabio Perini's life and achievements.
Watch movie here